A site for teachers to share creative ways to use technology in the classroom

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Cognitive Learning Theory in the Classroom

A component of the Cognitive learning theory would be to explain how the use of technology can allow students to discover and apply concepts that can be learned through experimentation on a digital level and manipulated with technology tools .  For example, Glogster is an interactive multimedia image which looks like a poster, but readers can interact with the content. The user inserts text, images, photos, audio, videos, special effects and other elements into their glogs to generate a multimedia online creation. Very similar to concept mapping, Glogster allows students to take an idea and grow it into an interactive web design. Otherwise, instead of using a poster board for a project, students can be given the opportunity to create an interactive computer poster on a topic.  Wiki’s, blog’s, and pod casts are just a few examples of how technology can be used to bring our classroom into the 21st century.  

Glogster Example:  this is an example that a student created while studying the elements of the periodic table - just click on the words...

Pretty cool, huh?


  1. Thanks for information about gloster, I am doing a multi-genre project with my Environmental Science class, and this would be a great tool as a genre. This concept does fit so well with the Cognitive learning theory and it incorporates technology at the same time. Thanks for a great post!
    -Angela DeLisio

  2. Angela, It is really fun and the students love it!

  3. This sounds like a great tool. In fact, I was just wondering if I could find something like this for a presentation that I wanted the students to do later this year. I'm going to point them toward Thanks! It really goes into multiple parts of the cognitive theory: visuals, networking information, elaboration, and you could probably incorporate an episodic experience through a link. Great stuff!

  4. Johna,
    Great poster! I have used Glogster with my students. I am always amazed at their creativity. How lucky are we to be teachers at such a time! Technology has made my job so much easier.
