A site for teachers to share creative ways to use technology in the classroom

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Monitoring My G.A.M.E. Plan

I chose to create digital portfolios for my G.A.M.E. plan because I want to give students an opportunity to reflect and grow from learning throughout the year while giving students individual choice about the outcome of the portfolio.  

The Digital Portfolio’s that my students will create will be a web-based tool. A web template, editing with a program such as Microsoft FrontPage or Netscape Composer will most likely be used.  I am still researching ideas on the best way to handle this.  I am considering moving beyond HTML files and storage maybe using a web-accessible database hosted by our school district.

I would like to know if anyone has information about using digital portfolios or a computer program/web - service that you would recommend for completing digital portfolios.  I need to finalize my plan and implement this project asap.  I do not want to get too far into the school year with this not started.  I believe it will be important to spend time each month working on the portfolios and helping students to keep them current and organized.  


  1. I think electronic protfolios are a great idea and a great way for your students to see their growth from beginning to end. I have not thought about using digital portfolios since we don't have access to computers in our room, but I did research a little bit and found an interesting article that might point you in the right direction. The woman wrote the article is also a creator (I think) of a program to use. Here's the link: I hope you find it useful and good luck!

